During the COVID-19 pandemic, The Ubele Initiative highlighted the support needs of Black and Asian communities, demonstrating through their mapping of culturally appropriate mental health services the lack of such provision across the UK.
Good Grief Connects will support The Ubele Initiative to expand and develop its cultural competency training for all those working in end-of-life care and bereavement support.
Dr Yansie Rolston, Associate Director at The Ubele Initiative, said:

“Our research shows that Black, and racially minoritised communities are less likely to access mainstream services, which means that the need for culturally responsive bereavement services is paramount to supporting the future well-being and mental health of these communities. We are delighted to work with the University of Bristol via the Good Grief Connects partnership to expand our work in this area.”
News & Project Updates
Over the past 18 months, Good Grief Connects and The Ubele Initiative have co-produced a project to explore the experiences of bereavement, grief and end-of-life care among people from African and Caribbean communities in the UK. It has been a qualitative project involving semi-structured interviews and group conversations following on from Ubele’s ‘Our Grief’ sessions. These started with a screening of a short film which spotlights the experiences of middle aged black women who have experienced grief and loss. It tells the story of how they coped. Data collection has now finished and analysis is underway.